Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Calvary Shows Up

Whenever I join a new company, my kids want to visit the office. For as long as I can remember, I've taken them in, at least occasionally, to our mutual benefit.

Why mutual? Well, the main reasons I work for other people include the desire to support my rather large family. The children invariably view these companies from a different angle that I do...and they always seem to put their stamp of approval on the places I work.

Yesterday was the first time that any of my kids visited Predictify, and they definitely were impressed. Driving north towards home afterwards, Dylan said to Julia, "On a scale of one to ten, Predictify is 4.2 billion!"

Julia responded in kind, "Yeah, 4.3 billion!"

Standard deviants only is our company's mathematically-based slogan. I think I've got several youngsters who qualify...


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