Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Cut of the Ice

Our favorite local artist cannot explain why or even when she started drawing stylized girls spinning on their skates on ice, but her journey parallels mine on so many levels.

Every tree, no matter when harvested, yields its own unique archeology of memory -- its own set of rings. These patterns are so mesmerizing that they take my breath away. I often stop to pick up a discarded piece of tree, not because I have any use for it, but it has its use for me: To make me mindful of the meaning of time, including time spent, and time lost.

Very recently, for the first time, I realized that trees are not the only living creatures creating rings. Ice does it too. Upon close observation (not available here because I am a rotten photographer, so just trust me) the layers of water in an ice cube tray freeze with different consistencies and colors -- dark and light.

As they melt back into liquid status, they become water, which reminds us how our current liquidity crisis will, eventually, end. Credit is frozen, much like the cube. You can't so much as lick a loan these days, because yo' tongue will stick to it, and that hurts.

On the other hand, from what I read, this Global Depression has just begun and nobody knows how to turn it around. Perhaps what we are actually facing is the end of time, the end of our time, when humans melt away so the planet gets to drink again.


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