Friday, March 13, 2009

Letter From Lancaster

As they say in Japan, "A frog will always give birth to a frog," but also, "A hawk sometimes gives birth to an eagle."

That's my parenting advice for today.

The Japanese also have a useful way to describe a person with the social skills to handle every sort of personality type she might encounter: "Eight-direction facing beautiful smiling person."

Very nice.

My own Japanese beautiful smiling person is in Amish country tonight, researching an upcoming documentary for NHK, the public television network in Japan. She's sent me these photos.

Photos by Sasaki Junko san.

I also have some personal breaking news. For the first time in my entire adult life, I am actually single! Yay! Actually I have been legally single since January 28th, but the court needed some five weeks to get me the news. Here in San Francisco, they probably still use Wells Fargo (the stagecoach, not the bank) to send out the word.


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