Saturday, March 14, 2009

Salad Days, A Shrinking Future

A frigid north wind swept through San Francisco today. This town is seven miles by seven miles, which echoes the gold miners of 1849 to yield the "49er" label that defines this place, at least until climate change kicks in.

But we know that as the sea level rises five feet over the coming decades, this city will lose a bunch of land to the Pacific and the Bay.

Thus, it's nice living in a city where the false "debate" over climate change is over. The fools who deny the inevitable are not numerous enough around here to matter one whit. Our city is way out front in the mitigation work that will help us save the parts of the Bay Area that need to be saved, by a combination of levies, restoration of wetlands, reduction of energy consumption, increase in energy consumption, and all of the other proper steps.

Elsewhere, of course, the hate and fear mongers still hold sway -- the Limbaughs, the no-nothings, the idiots and the crusaders who stockpile their guns, listen to their fear-filled echo chambers, deny reality, and go on driving their fiendishly obese vehicles as if they have a God-given right to do so.

"America do or die. America love it or leave it. Assholes!"

Half a century from now, all of them and their filthy vehicles, and all of their wasteful lifestyles will lie rotting in new deserts that will make Death Valley an oasis by comparison. You can bank on that!

And my ghost will be dancing on their graves.


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