Saturday, June 20, 2009

Obama's Speech Helped Ignite Revolution in Iran

This is my 1,400th post on this blog, and tonight my purpose as a journalist is to explain how and why President Barack Obama is the main person who ignited the most important democratic uprising so far of the 21st Century, which is the grassroots revolution now occurring in Iran.

Please go back a bit in time and review what I wrote as I watched Obama's brilliant speech offering a "new beginning" to Muslims in Cairo earlier this month. These were hardly the words of a man who was unaware of the power of the moment.

These were, rather, the words of a speaker acutely aware of who was listening.

Which explains precisely why Obama has been relatively measured in what he has stated publicly since the rebellion he helped trigger and that, I now believe, will ultimately topple the oppressive regime that purports to control Iran, and is one of the greatest enemies of America and American ideals.

Obama, alone among all politicians, is an astute student of history. Even those who oppose him ideologically must stand aside tonight and bear witness as our brilliant young President changes the world in ways that only six short months ago would have seemed unimaginable.


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