Sunday, December 27, 2009

A present

My daughter painted this and gave it to me for Christmas.

She's at an age when everything is changing for her. Moods come and go at the speed of light, often unanticipated, often opaque.

It's a special age for a girl; a difficult age for her father.

A time to listen as closely as I can; to affirm my unconditional love. She pours a lot into her art projects.

One thing I like about visual art is you see what you want to see in it.

I see an 11-year-old sorting her way, stroke by stroke, while filling the canvas.



Anjuli said...

Your children are very talented (I still remember your son's piano piece)- I liked what you saw in this painting. You are a good father.

Anonymous said...

Truly a beautiful work of art.