Monday, March 07, 2011

Monday in March

You know you've been shopping at your local Safeway store too much when the store manager comes over to introduce himself, give you his card, offer you special benefits, and asks how he might make the shopping experience better.

"Call me anytime."

Baseball season approaches; I'm preparing for my fantasy league's draft later this month, and the start of the real season next month. Baseball helps anchor my year; I'm relatively unmoored in the off-season. There's nothing better than having a game on in the background; it's a lot like the warm smell of baking cookies.

Dinner with a friend. News from a friend who has recovered from a major heart attack. We're within nine days of the due date for the birth of my first grand-daughter.

All thing considered, life is good.



Anjuli said...

I like "..the warm smell of of baking cookies..."-- All the best on your soon to appear certainly doesn't get better than this, does it? :)

Anonymous said...

Up here where I live people get through long, cold, dark winters watching hockey. A couple of years ago when NHL didn't play for one season, I saw many guys, my son included, looking like a lost soul during the winter months. Last year the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and the World Cup in South Africa helped me get through the first part of the year. It's interesting how being a spectator of sports affects our psyche -- something deep down in the human nature. Perhaps, Romans didn't build amphitheaters all over their empire for nothing...S.