Monday, June 20, 2011

Budding Ideas and Talent

It's rare that it can be said to be sweltering here, but it is now. The flowers open at an exaggerated pace; fruits ripen on bush and tree.

Yesterday along the greenway, we picked blackberries in the East Bay. Today, under the watchful eyes of college coaches, my soccer prospect competed in the heat. Fortunately, he is in such superb condition that he played well despite the thick, heavy air.

During most weekdays, I meet with or chat over the phone with entrepreneurs. Their dreams are contagious; just talking with them helps you remember how much creativity lives in business, not only in art. Having worked in so many environments over the decades, seeing so many different approaches to work, from large corporations to unionized shops to non-profits to tiny startups, I can tell you that on balance I prefer the startups.

Things rarely go smoothly in a startup; ups and downs are frequent, and you never know how long you've got to try and make your idea work. It's not for everybody.

But I react to startups the way fruit and flowers react to the sun. They open me up and make me want to shine.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

there is something always very exciting about anything 'starting out'- whether it is a new business project, relationship, or literary is all about the joy of what 'can be'-- the key is to see if that same enthusiasm sustains itself through the daily grind of 'what is'