Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Young Warrior

He started the week with a tender ankle, tweaked during a tough game Sunday night.

Monday after being hit in the face at close-range by a kicked ball, he had a nosebleed, not uncommon in our family and hardly of concern to him. But since he was at a college prospect camp, the trainer came out to assist him.

No big deal.

Last night, when I picked him up after 12 more hours at this camp, he had a pulled groin muscle and was limping. After a bath, a quesadilla, and The Daily Show, he felt better.

This morning, he slept all the way across the bridge as he returned to yet another 12-hour day exhibiting his physical and soccer skills for a panel of college coaches. As I waited for him to emerge tonight, I saw a number of kids with hurt legs and arms, sporting bandages and ice packs, limping or being helped away from the field.

In case you are not a parent, this is not a fun sight when you are waiting, waiting, waiting for your own kid to emerge. Naturally, you start imagining the worst. A large SUV pulls up to the arena, backing into place, presumably to carry away even more badly injured athletes, after what clearly was a breakdown day -- the third straight -- in searing heat.

Just then, your tall young defender emerges smiling from the door at the top of the stairs and hustles down to your car.

"Hi, Dad."


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

My heart was in my throat- I was so afraid that he was badly injured. What a relief to read that he emerged smiling and well!