Thursday, December 22, 2011

Early Morning Walking

Dropping the car off for service and walking back home through the Mission, past the workday city waking up, with coffee the fuel of choice among my fellow pedestrians. For days, workers have been trying to fix various leaks in my flat; by last night the main culprit, a leaking water heater, was gone, replaced by a new model.

Three other kitchen sink-related leaks were fixed by installing new equipment as well.

The banalities of daily life.

The mechanic called with a revised estimate upward. Out for another walk, to the supermarket, with the kids still sleeping in, when he called back yet again, this time with worse news.

The bill now climbed over $1,000, putting a serious crimp into my holiday plans.

Back out for another walk, with my daughter, to the discount store, where I bought her a winter coat.

Soon after, walking again, now with the boys, to get Mexican food for lunch.

Finally, in late afternoon, when the car was ready, we packed and headed out of town, eastward, to join up with the rest of the family for the holidays.


Worrying but hoping for the best for my brother-in-law, who underwent surgery in Ann Arbor. Concerned for the strain on my sister as well.


Along the freeway, part of the flood of cars headed east, we cut through the Delta in the dark. Adele came on the radio as we neared Sacramento.

My two oldest grandsons, aged 4 and 3, came running out of the front door as we pulled up. "Grandpa!" they yelled, with their arms spread wide, running down the sidewalk in greeting.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

ouch- repairs can pile up- family time sure does make it feel better. Grandchildren and their greetings are a very special medicine!