Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Weir Dudes

My three sons have long called themselves by that name; they've made movies that are available on YouTube, and last night, they worked together to try and solve some crossword puzzles. That is what this shot captures.

As you could probably guess, I am impossibly proud of these three young men, aged 17, 30 and 15, all so tall and beautiful and brilliant, and kind, sweet and loving, each in his own way.

Of course, as their father, I also worry about each of them, and their vulnerabilities, which I can only too clearly see.

One way or another, I've been sort of like each of them in certain details, yet never anywhere near anyone of them in their total loveliness.

But I will say this, as the purported Super Weir Dude, though none of them have yet given me that title (hint, boys) -- I do think I could probably still (for a while yet) beat any of you at word games, should you care to give me a run...


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

Your three sons are amazing!! Any young men who sit around working on a crossword puzzle must be great :)...I love word games of any kind!