Sunday, March 04, 2012

All Day Long

So, as anyone who knows me knows, I am the father of a soccer player, a damn good one.

But in this world, being damn good at something like a sport at the age of 17 does not exactly mean your future is any clearer than anyone else's.

It just means you're damned good at something right now.

He played two games today, one indoor, in the version called futsal, and scrimmage tonight, outdoor.

In the first game, he not only played his normal great defense, he played offense and in fact scored the goal that put his team ahead in the final minutes.

That game ended in a tie.

The night scrimmage, against another local team, was just a practice. His team lost, 0-2, although when he was on the pitch, it was even, 0-0. One thing about playing defense is you can't do much if your team doesn't score other than make sure the other team doesn't score.

He did his part, brilliantly.

A long day of sports. We were both tired by tonight.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

that is why games (sports) are so important -- they are a little example of life- sometimes no matter how well we 'play' - we don't always win- but we don't give up- we brush ourselves off and are ready to play another day.