Wednesday, July 11, 2012

In the Garden

These are the monstrously huge vines in our backyard, germinated from a rotten pumpkin, I believe. I've taken baby shoots from our yard over to the East Bay, to my daughter's yard, where, last time I checked, they were not doing near as well.

I'm starting to think that new pumpkins must grow best out of old pumpkins, and to mix metaphors, apples don't fall far from the tree.


High school students typically have reading lists of books they are supposed to read before the next school year gets underway. Honestly, I think we should all have such lists.

One of the books on one of my son's lists is Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, a book I've promoted here before.

Today we discussed it. He's a September baby, and his Mom and I held him back in school a year as a result.

That was a good choice, he and I agreed.

Read the book and you'll see why it's true.


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