Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney's Fortune

For an examination of what Mitt Romney actually did to make his fortune, you might check out Rolling Stone's current expose:

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital.

It's not easy reading for anyone hoping his success did not come at the expense of many hard-working Americans. Nor is it easy reading for anyone hoping his success did not come as a result of government bailouts and tax loopholes.

Finally, it is not easy reading for anyone hoping the only reason for his extreme secrecy about how he made his money and how much he paid in taxes were due to anything other than sheer embarrassment.

In fact, its embarrassing that one of the major parties could end up nominating someone with his record of plunder and greed, but then again, maybe not so surprising. As the author points out, Romney represents the divide between the amoral rich, who are from "nowhere" and have loyalty to no place vs. the rest of us, who most definitely comes from communities we care about -- communities the Romneys of the world are tearing apart.

This election should not devolve down to political rhetoric thrown back and forth, like big government, cut taxes, the crushing debt, etc. There's much more at stake here than scoring political points.

The super rich have destroyed much of what was special about this country. Ambitious politicians in both parties have masqueraded while allowing them their plunder. It doesn't matter if Romney is generous to people less fortunate he knows personally, and that he loves his family.

What does he intend to do for (or to) the rest of us? That is the question.


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