Sunday, September 09, 2012

Weekend Album

I love the times my younger kids get to hang out with their nephews and niece. Yesterday, after her soccer game, my daughter got to be auntie to her three little nephews from Sacramento for a couple hours.

Lately, a number of people I've only recently met have asked to get together so I can tell them about my life. I'm flattered, naturally, although I also know this only happens once you've grown old -- a sobering thought.

In fact my 18-year-old said the other day, "Don't take this the wrong way, Dad, but could we sit down for a video interview so you can tell me about your life?" I didn't take it the wrong way -- the younger kids know very little of my childhood or my long career as a journalist, or even as a husband living with his family -- twice, once for 20 years, once for ten.

The man they know lives alone, is aging, has lots of financial challenges, and is a chronic worrier. They've seen little of his success up close -- that's all well back in my history now.

But they do know one thing quite deeply and that is how much love I have for them, and their siblings, and our whole family. To them, I'm sure I am much more a Dad than anything else -- they've seen few of my writings, almost none of my speeches or media appearances; they know nothing of awards I've won, all of which are stashed away in dusty closets at this point.

The past is just that -- passed. What matters now is the present and their future. We started planning out my son's college application process today.

My daughter the aunt. My favorite subject, with my words and my eyes, are these types of moments. For me, the past is a story I'm happy to tell, but the present is the moment I'm determined to live.


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