Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Devil Speaks on Same-Sex Marriage

So today indeed was the big news day. And the news was good, by and large, for proponents of same-sex marriage.

But for me it was a day of almost complete chaos, as I juggled my parenting duties, my normal blogging work for 7x7, including another interview with the founders of a startup, and a long shift at KQED News covering the Supreme Court rulings.

Since I have a quirky approach to the news at times, the first post I put up had to do with how people were searching keywords related to same-sex marriage today at Yahoo and Google. In our new data-driven world, the devil is in a new set of details.

Later, surfing around searching for details myself, I came upon this gem -- that Justice Scalia, a fierce opponent of same-sex marriage, now believes that the majority of his colleagues now would support same-sex marriage as a constitutional right!

Wow. I think that may be the voice of the devil.


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