Thursday, June 13, 2013

The DMV Blues

Sitting there with my two teenaged sons today, the DMV once again got the best of us. One was there for his written test, but because we had a copy of his birth certificate, not an original, they wouldn't let him take it.

The other was there for his driving test, but because we only had an electronic copy of his proof-of-insurance, not a paper copy, they refused to let him take it.

And entire half day wasted.

Five years from now, I predict, such bureaucratic nonsense will have been eliminated. The reliance on an antiquated technology -- paper -- will have been rightfully replaced by the much more accurate, efficient and ecological digital alternative.

I told myself that as my son who didn't get to take his driving test drove us home.

The world just has trouble catching up with itself, that's all.


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