Saturday, September 13, 2014

Soccer Connections Renewed

 On an alternatively foggy and sunny day out at Crocker-Amazon, Julia's new team, Athena White, played their arch-rival, the Chivas.
 Julia, as one of the younger members of the team, subbed in partway through the first half, when the score was 0-1. By the end of the half, her team was ahead 2-1.
She started the second half and left when the score was 3-1. In the end Athena won, 4-2! A nice outcome for a kid who's soccer teams have often lost and rarely won. She's in white, in the cenetr of the photo above.
At the pitch I ran into Shani, Aidan's old coach. he asked after Aidan, always one of his favorite players and we had a good catchup chat. When I went to take his photo, coaching one his (12!) current teams, a U-8 girls team, he spotted me and told the girls to turn toward me. "I used to coach that man's son Aidan. He can play soccer. Say 'hi' to Aidan!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can always tell what time of year it is by the soccer updates and baseball game photos with your kids and friends. And I always love seeing the settings -- California!! Tamara