Monday, November 02, 2015

Old Laptop, New Updates

This laptop is ancient (early 2009) and doesn't work very well any longer. None of my technology seems to work very well any longer, which is a bit frustrating for me. Tonight, my second TV stopped cooperating. Or maybe it is the cable box. Either way, I cannot watch what I had wanted to watch.

Yesterday, driving Julia back up to her school in Napa, I somehow missed Napa entirely and we had to drive an extra 30 miles and a half hour to get her there. To be fair, that was not the technology, but me. I thought I had memorized the route but clearly I had not.

She was not chatty yesterday, opting to listen to music through her earbuds instead.

Today, Dylan went to Canyon Market for an orientation. Tomorrow, he starts shadowing to learn how to do his job. He says now he will start drinking tea or coffee in order to be awake enough to do his job.

Tomorrow is also our local election. And also election day throughout the country. I hope everyone who can exercises their right to vote.

Biggest news in these parts? Rain!


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