Monday, September 05, 2016

Labor Day Reflections

A nice brunch with Peter and Claire yesterday at the Atlas Cafe, where I have not been in a long while. Jack stayed in my apartment while we were away.

It's Labor Day but I do not expect to expend any labor today. Doing chores and getting ready for the week ahead is the best I can offer.

I have to report for possible jury duty early tomorrow morning -- the third time in a month. Not looking forward to that trek to the Hall of Justice.

I'm paying attention to the political race. For President, Trump continues to make mistakes but does not trail Clinto by that much in the polls. It's a hard race to fathom at this point. As I've written before, the electoral map is so favorable to the Democrats that I don't see how Trump can win, even if he draws even in the popular vote.

The other day I looked state by state and what shocked me was the extent of the divide between most blue and red states. Hillary is not only likely to win most of the blue states, her odds are in the 80-90 percent range.

Trump is not only likely to win the traditionally red states; his odds of doing so are in the 70-80 percent range. When analysts say we have a badly divided electorate they are not exaggerating.


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