Monday, January 20, 2020

Daisy Chain

My granddaughter made one for me yesterday. She is six and amazingly charming.

Amid everything else I am trying to do -- regain my health, move in here, move out of Hampshire, identify a new doctor (I may have done that), locate a new pharmacy (I may have done that), get a new neurologist, get a new eye doctor, get a new dentist, sort through my files, read my journals, write my memoir, eat three healthy meals a day, make new friends, remain in touch with old friends, find things that have gone missing, keep enough clean clothes on hand to be sensible, network with an eye toward new income possibilities, not be consumed by worry over money -- I have run out of blood pressure medicine on a long holiday errand.

So it is not surprising I am up at 4 a.m., consumed with worry.


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