Tuesday, January 14, 2020

In the Chill of the Night

It's 4:30 a.m. and my body has decided it's time to get this day underway. Sunrise is hours away yet my mind is ready to go, as if there were anything I had to do. I'm primed for action. Let's see -- what's up today?

Reality is I am retired, in compromised health, and living alone in n assisted living facility. Nobody expects me to do anything or go anywhere. I will be offered as much food as I want today, starting at 7 a.m. Housekeeping is available weekly. As soon as the laundry detergent I ordered on Amazon gets here I can wash my clothes.

To pass the hours I have TV, movies, the vast world of the Internet. There is the book I am writing. There are the family members and friends who stay in touch with me and sometimes drop in for a visit.

So the truth is my life is a simple life, made complicated by my imagination and the delusions of age and disease.

I just don't always know exactly who I am, where I am, or why. There must be a reason for all this; I just haven't discovered it yet.


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