Friday, January 17, 2020

What's In a Friday?

Up at 5. No rain. The day of the week has little meaning for me. It's odd to be in the state where everyone has to come to you because you can go to nobody.

In my imagination I will soon go out -- somewhere. Perhaps to the pharmacy.

But daily reality is I'm confined to a small apartment.

As my memoir-writing progresses, Having passed 33,000 words of draft prose. Incidents keep coming back to me, such as the first time I met Jessica "Decca" Mitford.

The legendary muckraker and rebellious member of the British royal family and I hit it off at once. Later, she agreed to an interview with my 11-year-old daughter Laila.

That interview was later published in The Nation, the oldest continuously published magazine in America, since 1865.


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