Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Not Knowing


On Tuesday, I went into San Francisco to meet my two youngest sons at the Stable Cafe in the Mission District. It was a beautiful fall day, with blue skies and crispy air, and the city looked peaceful, though I did see buildings being boarded up. Of course, since it was Election Day, we talked about the voting, which at that point had not been reported yet.

This is Aidan (26)'s 3rd presidential election, and Dylan (24)'s 2nd. It's my 13th.

Given how near we were to two buildings where I have a lot of history, we went over to look at the KQED headquarters, which is being refurbished; and my old apartment on Hampshire Street, which appears to be unoccupied. 

After a great visit, I traveled back to the East Bay and turned on CNN. As the votes came in, the remaining faith I had in public opinion polls evaporated. The election was clearly must closer than "538" and their ilk had predicted.

Note to self: Never, ever listen to pollsters again.

I felt awful that I had posted on facebook that Biden should win by a large margin. My bad.

Sometime deep in the west coast night, I gave up and went to bed. I didn't get up until late this Wednesday afternoon. Still no decision.

So I'm not going to make another prediction tonight, other than to say we are very close to knowing who won.


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