Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Friendship in the Plague

 Most of us have probably learned a hell of a lot more about how easily viral diseases spread over the past two years than we ever wanted to know. So choosing to lower your mask with somebody not in your immediate household requires new levels of trust when you realize that Covid-laced particles could be lurking to hitchhike on their words or even just on their breath.

Sharing the same airspace, therefore, isn’t merely a hazard for airplanes during a pandemic; it’s pretty crowded down here on the ground as well. You never know when you might collide with a random bits of SARS-CoV-2 that have just been “shedded” by another member of the human herd.

And when I think back about the people I’ve been privileged to hang out with during the pandemic it’s a testament to our collective willingness to assume that risk in order to enjoy the benefits of each other’s company.

Because the isolation imposed by the plague has truly been excruciating, at least for those of us who truly get tired of keeping our own company.

Indeed, friendship has never mattered more.

Relatively early on in this extended ordeal, it was remarkable how many old-time friends showed up courtesy of social media and reunion-style zoom calls. Some of that was due to my propensity to post daily musings on what was then known as Facebook. But as the coronavirus continued to evade the best tools our Big Pharma-led army can devise to corner it, our collective energy to connect seems to have started to wane.

The novelty of connection may simply be wearing off. Or maybe everyone is just as exhausted as I am. Or maybe isolation is becoming endemic — if so, Covid will truly have defeated us a a species.

But in fact for most of us, I suspect, having friends we can see in person matters as much if not more than it ever did in our careless past. Wordle, Scrabble, Netflix and YouTube TV can only take you so far into the day or night. Besides, I don’t know of any Netflix hits featuring one person finding love with that guy in the mirror, you know the one who just gets older and grayer every day.

Nope, people need people, as the old cliche goes and like many cliches this one is true. You can trust me on that. Journalists, as you know, specialize in truth.


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