Monday, September 05, 2022

Weekend Pivot

Spending eight hours in my favorite city Sunday transformed my mood completely. I’ve been in a pretty down cycle for what seemed like weeks, but being in San Francisco’s fresh air with people I wanted to see changed that very quickly.

You can email, text or talk on the phone with people you love but that doesn’t compare to meeting up in person, hugging and spending hours catching up on things. 

Our favorite place on Bernal was bustling, but we were able to spend plenty of time at brunch. Then, during the afternoon and evening in Glen Park, I was able to see most of my grandchildren and enjoy a Korean BBQ for dinner.

I’ll be back in the city today for more catching up. Partly it’s been Covid that’s been to blame in July and August, as one case after another has kept me from seeing my younger kids for two entire months.

It’s been like the worst of the pandemic all over again, and the fact that it’s happened in summer has made the situation all the more difficult to tolerate. But now we’ve pulled through that stretch, hopefully we can get back to a normal pace.

As Labor Day weekend continues, everyone’s conscious that summer is ending. The kids are back in school; families are back from vacations. There are still a lot of locals out at Burning Man, of course, which is another way summer ends around these parts.

Soon, the Bay Area will be filled by the tell-tale dusty cars and trucks of the returnees. Hard-core burners won’t wash it off for weeks. Then, of course, from a climatologist point-of-view, the Bay Area’s real summer begins — September and October.

The fog retreats; the sun shines; the tourists disappear; and one of the best cities on the continent gets its groove back.


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