Friday, October 28, 2022

Zombie Election

All the signs are in place and the warnings have been issued. The impending midterm elections could be a disaster for America.

It is not only that Republicans will win the House and may also squeak out control of the Senate. (That one is too close to call.) It’s all those elections many people ignore at the state and local level, where hordes of election deniers appear to be poised to win control of the positions in swing states that will determine the outcome of the next Presidential election.

Reporters have documented that a massive number of GOP candidates in these races subscribe to the stolen election myth propagated by Trump and his minions. And most conservatives either agree with this myth or are not paying close enough attention to rebut their claims, so they will vote them in.

And with inflation hurting so many American families, voters already have plenty of reasons to boot incumbent Democrats out of office, and ignore what is viewed as a largely theoretical possibility that such a vote will actual damage our democracy.

Will the result be zombies in public office? Officials whose feast will hasten the death of our democratic processes?

The biggest lesson we learned in 2020 is how vulnerable our system is to manipulation. Trump waged an all-out effort to steal the vote — that he ultimately failed is a testament to the checks and balances that were in place at that time.

But the election deniers are determined to sweep away many of those checks and balances in the midterm elections.

Well, it’s that time of year, isn’t it — Halloween, the time for horror movies.

Better get ready for the worst horror movie of all.



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