Monday, March 20, 2023

To Be Or Not To Be...Obsolete

I’m not confident we’ll know when we’ve crossed the threshold to singularity, that point where machine intelligence exceeds our own; perhaps we’ve already done so. But it doesn’t really matter because does anyone think we can restrain ourselves from the technological wonders that await us?

It’s too late for that. Therefore, maybe we should celebrate our status as the last generation of humans that is biologically distinct from the hybrid species we’re hell-bent on morphing into.

As such, future beings may look upon us as somewhat quaint, curious creatures who actually believed we could solve problems better than our machine extensions. How sweet!

Every day now, without even trying, I include a half dozen or so links to fascinating reports on AI — Some believe it is a grave threat to our humanity; others think it promises nirvana. I’m pretty much an in-betweener on that question. 

Clearly there will be functional improvements in many fields thanks to LLMs and chatbots. In medicine alone, AI will be helpful in diagnostics for sure. No one human brain can possibly hold all the known diseases and their symptoms, so robots will prove to be useful assistants in this regard.

But I wonder what’s to become of human beings generally when we are no longer much needed for our labor. What will we do with ourselves? Play games all the time?

So far we have kept ourselves occupied with a range of professions almost all of which are at risk of replacement by ever-smarter robots. We’re in need of the best philosophers to help us grasp our next steps.

Because the engineers don’t know what to say.



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