Friday, May 05, 2023

The Conspirators

 Yesterday, federal prosecutors secured the convictions of four more of the ringleaders of the Jan. 6th Capitol riot, continuing the quest to hold those accountable for attempting to undermine the results of the 2020 election.

These men came from the far right of the political spectrum, of course, but as I processed the news of their convictions, I couldn’t help but think back to when it was groups on the far left who constituted the main threat to the legitimacy of the government.

That was over 50 years ago now, and since then most of the extremists from the Weather Underground and similar groups have done their time and rejoined society in more respectable roles.

Not all of them have renounced the violence they inflicted through bombings and bank robberies and so on, or apologized for the pain and suffering they caused, but they long ago ended their war on society. 

But all too many of extremists of any stripe seem unable to accept that the ideological justifications for their actions simply are wrong. Neither socialism on the left nor authoritarianism on the right are legitimate alternatives to representative democracy, whatever its flaws.

I hope the convicted leaders of the Proud Boys come to renounce their past beliefs now the legal system has found them guilty essentially of treason, but I won’t be holding my breath.

Meanwhile, what remains to be done, of course, is to determine the fate of their Conspirator-in-Chief — he who remains free to spin new plots to this day. Ultimately, with his case it’s our democracy’s fate that hangs in the balance.


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