Friday, June 16, 2023

Terminal Politics

The problem we have with democracy in the United States isn’t the kind that’s going to lead to a headline one of these days that it has finally keeled over and died. It won’t happen like that — it is much more like a patient suffering from a malignant, terminal disease that is spreading throughout, slowly eating away at its systemic integrity.

Yesterday I wrote about the right-wing extremist legal doctrine known as the independent-state-legislature-theory (ISLT) that is currently being considered by the Supreme Court, but that is only one small part of the deep-set threat our country faces.

There are the numerous state laws popping up everywhere restricting voting rights, as well as the discriminatory laws undermining the human rights that are a cornerstone of any democracy, not to mention the multiple armed groups capable of January 6th-style insurrections.

Meanwhile, anyone paying attention sees that the former President and current leading GOP candidate Donald J. Trump has blatant authoritarian tendencies, but if Trump were the only political leader in that category, the danger could be minimized by preventing him from returning to office.

(Hopefully, the many criminal cases against him will eventually accomplish that worthy purpose.)

More dangerous than Trump himself is the large demographic that fervently supports him — people willing to send him money, vote for him at the ballot box and welcome his lies no matter how outrageous they become.

The main driver of this support is white resentment. Millions of Americans feel angry and left out of the new diverse, progressive society emerging around them. They are vulnerable to manipulation by a despot like Trump because he speaks directly to their fears.

He gives them a voice.

Sadly, there are plenty of Trump imitators willing to take his place once he fades from the scene. So the issue is if we can’t somehow eliminate this cancerous growth of authoritarianism it may metastasize.

That is the problem we have with democracy in America. The prognosis remains uncertain.



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