Saturday, October 14, 2023

Squirrel & Apple

When the news becomes beyond bad, close to overwhelming, I don’t know about you but I turn my attention to small things, things more in my immediate control. Like watching a squirrel outside my window hold an apple in its paws, munching away.

A squirrel eating an apple is something I can wrap my mind around, unlike a war, impending climate change or a wannabe dictator.

My daughter said she watched a squirrel pick a lemon from one of our trees, however, and I do wonder what that was about. Maybe to make some lemonade?

Seriously, the news is relentlessly bad these days, and it’s unlikely to improve soon. There is still a small hope that negotiations can return the hostages and delay war but I doubt it.

Meanwhile, I’m keeping an eye out for that squirrel.


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