Monday, January 22, 2024

Why Not Here

Sunday was a bad day for those (including me) who were hoping Trump would not be the Republican nominee for president in 2024.

One of his two remaining opponents, DeSantis, dropped out of the race and endorsed him.

Also, the latest poll shows Trump leading the other remaining candidate, Haley, by double digits in New Hampshire. That state’s primary is tomorrow night. It appears to only be a matter of days until Trump’s coronation.

Of course, this is bad news for democracy as well. Trump has promised to replace democracy with autocracy if elected. And in modern times, this is how dictators come to power — through the electoral process.

Then, once they win office, they consolidate power, legally or illegally. It has happened over and over again all over the rest of the world.

Why not here?

It is going to require an all-out effort by those who comprehend the danger to prevent this fate.

Are we up to it?



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