Tuesday, February 13, 2024


“The difference between humans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack.” — Major Michael Haley.

One thing is for certain about how an election year will unfold — the situation this early in the cycle is likely to change substantially by November. Right now, for example, Republicans are making a big deal of Joe Biden’s age (81), but I’m not so sure that will age very well as an issue. :)

Yes, Biden is old, but so is Trump. And as long as it seems somebody else (like Nikki Haley) could win either party’s nomination, the age issue will be in play, but once it becomes certain that the choice is between these same two old men, it will begin to fade away as a factor.

At that point, faced with the binary choice of Biden or Trump, I trust that the majority of voters will make the rational decision.

It is impossible to believe that most Americans would vote for a man who promises to rule like a dictator, rounding up immigrants and imprisoning them in camps, withdrawing from Nato and encouraging Putin to invade our allies, appoint an attorney general who goes after his political opponents, seeking revenge, ending support for Ukraine, cozying up to dictators in North Korea, China and elsewhere, and ending our democracy.

It is similarly impossible to believe that most Americans would support a convicted sexual predator, an insurrectionist, a tax cheat, a liar, a man who belittles our military heroes, and who preaches hate as his religion.

Compared to all of this Trumpian baggage, Biden’s age should become a trivial issue. Age can easily be spun to wisdom and the experience necessary to do the job. As you can see, I’m an optimist.

Anyway, let’s hope I’m right. The fate of our democracy depends on it.



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