Sunday, June 30, 2024


In the nearly 250-year history of this country, we’ve never faced a leadership quandary quite like this one, where the sitting president, who’s also his party’s presumptive nominee for re-election, may prove to be too infirm to proceed.

And so we may be about to find out what that odd term, presumptive, actually means. 

The number of voices from the liberal side imploring Joe Biden to step aside is growing larger and louder, but so far there is no indication he is listening.

My assumption is that Biden and his inner circle will wait until the post-debate polls come in, and the opinions of their major donors are known, to make a decision.

For the 81-year-old president, this has to be an agonizing moment. He has served in public office his entire career, survived endless political challenges, and led the country as its oldest chief executive ever, only to confront the proposition that the best thing he could do now would be to ride off into the sunset.

Among the news clips below are articles explaining how the process would work should Biden step aside, but nobody really knows what would happen, because we have entered uncharted waters.

The vast sea of the non-presumptive nominee.



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