Monday, July 01, 2024


Without delving into the specifics, I recently was reminded of my own frailties — which, I should explain for my younger readers, is one of the less pleasant aspects of aging. These moments tend to happen more frequently than one would like.

But just as I was trying to cope with the specifics, a request came for me to meet a film crew interested in documenting the origin of the Center for Investigative Reporting, which I co-founded with Lowell Bergman and Dan Noyes in 1977.

This proved to be a welcome distraction.

As far as I can recall, no one has sought before to get down on film the origin story of CIR, which after 47 years, remains one of our unique journalistic treasures in the Bay Area and beyond.

So many people over the decades have worked to help it survive.

Anyway, returning to my tale, the crew, which is based in Europe, filmed Lowell and me in a conversation that went on for several hours. We recalled the factors that led to founding CIR and the many hurdles we overcame in the process.

We talked about the early years, the breakthroughs, the big stories, the threats, the successes and failures, the people, the awards and what we hope will ultimately be the legacy of all those efforts.

As we talked, I felt the gloom of focusing on my own mortality begin to lift. It was replaced by the desire to help some of our accomplishments live on well beyond us to the benefit of others. I’d like people at least to know the story of what we tried to do and why.

Maybe it will serve as proof that trying to make a difference in ways both large and small still matters.


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