Saturday, July 13, 2024

Web of Resistance

Next week brings the shameful spectacle of one of our major political parties coronating a would-be king.

Many millions of us had hoped it would never come to this; that the multiple civil and criminal cases against Trump would have prevented him from winning the Republican nomination.

But the legal system was no match for the machinations of a man with unlimited funds intent on delaying justice so that ultimately it would be denied.

Consequently, he will be on the ballot and polls indicate that if the election were held today, he would have a good chance of winning.

One option for the millions of us who think that would be a disaster for our democracy is to get depressed and withdraw from the fray.

But that would be a mistake. As long as we have an intact Bill of Rights, each of us has to speak out against the rise of a dictator who would abolish everything that makes our system of self-governance special.

Any small step — talking to neighbors and friends, donating to candidates with integrity, registering new voters, exposing Trump’s lies, organizing protests, letter-writing campaigns, anything — matters.

Supporting non-profits that work to enact positive changes in human rights, the environment, women’s rights, LBGTQ+ rights, diversity, education, healthcare, housing and other causes has never been more important.

Together, those of us on the ethical, humane, progressive side of history outnumber those who cluster in the sour eddies of hate, resentment and authoritarianism.

Together, we must weave a web of resistance to stop Trump and save our country.



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