Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Slip

Donald Trump finally said something that made me happy. He said that if he loses the election this November that it will be the last time he’ll run for President.

What made me happy is that for the first time he admitted that he could lose. Donald Trump never admits that he loses — at anything.

This is a man who cheats at golf on his own golf course playing against sycophants who are going to let him win anyway. 

He can’t bear the thought of losing..

As I was thinking about all of this, I suddenly realized that no human being has ever so thoroughly upset my basic sense of what our world is about as Donald J. Trump. 

It’s not the felonies, the rash statements, the terrible personal behavior, the awful word selection in his bizarre speeches, his lack of judgement about those he surrounds himself with, no, not even the fact that he is an existential threat to democracy.

No, for me it is that Donald Trump relentlessly advocates for hate in a world I want to believe is capable of love. 

Donald Trump is a relentless purveyor of fear, where I believe we must cultivate hope.

Donald Trump wants us to believe the worst about other people, whereas I wish to believe the best about other people.

His kind of poison crushes the spirit and I definitely have had way too much of the poison that is Donald J. Trump.

So when he made his offhand comment that he could lose in November, that gave me the tiniest glimmer of hope.

And that, if only for a moment, was a very special feeling.


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