Sunday, May 28, 2006

All is foolishness

I've spent a lifetime hearing songs that warn that "only fools fall in love," and so forth; but until recently I always said I hadn't regretted anything I had done in that department. Better having been a fool, I thought, than to not have taken the chance to love someone special. But, as my agony now increases to the point where I feel frozen in place, emotionally, slowly an anger is building inside me.

Who am I angry at? Myself. For being so very foolish, and ignoring all the evidence against pursuing a relationship when the other remained ambivalent. For not protecting myself (and my family) better at the impact losing her has had on my ability to be as strong in the world as I once was.

She pursues freedom and excitement, perhaps even happiness, fulfillment. I'm the one left behind, abandoned, betrayed, forgotten. My life often feels like it has been shattered. My voice, as I pour it out onto these pages, is completely ignored by the one it is most intended for.

Bitter treatment, but only what's due to a man who has been a fool one too many times.

Listen to the music.

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