Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Gulf Coast Update

Two of the people in East Biloxi who suffered huge losses in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, as described in Salon last December, "Everything is Broken," -- -- were named Cora Reddix and Lee Smith.

Today, I found out the good news that they are both reportedly in line to have their homes rebuilt. Apparently, an anonymous donor has given money to help rebuild the houses of some of those the system (FEMA, the insurance companies, local authorities) has forgotten.

These stories might never have been told, except for the efforts of an angel described earlier in this blog. Now, another angel, has given money to help them and others in similar straits.

There is a lot wrong with America, especially when it comes to questions of class and race. But one thing that is very right is the generous spirit of those willing to help others in desperate need -- like the volunteers and donors who have come to the rescue of this small Mississippi community that lies in ruins.

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