Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The first day of spring...1.1

...finally came for me this year on the first night of August. A slender yellow moon hanging in the western sky looked down over our dark, chilly city and saw everything. There are no secrets.

Everything is blooming; fresh growth surrounds us. Mysteries unfold. "What is going on?" we ask ourselves. Old friends, new friends. People parting ways even as new couples are falling in love. All of a sudden, a new sense of possibility hangs in the air. Anything can happen, and probably will.

There's something about a nickname. "Cat," for instance. Cats have nine lives. They are resilient and always land on their feet. When I was around eight, my big sister and her girlfriend nicknamed me "Snake Hips." Hmmm.

Just when you least expect it, the biggest surprise arrives. You didn't see it coming, though somewhere, deep in your instinctive core, you remember now that you did feel a clue. Just a small wave of excitement, a random surge seemingly from nowhere, as if a new magnetic force had somehow entered your field, pulling you forward, away from your past.

It propels you out where you might otherwise never have gone. You don't necessarily even see where you are headed, just that it is time to move on.

In the dark of the night, it can sometimes be hard to separate what is reality and what is imagination. Soon enough we will know, as the light of day helps us understand what has happened.

When I was very young I wrote a poem:

Suddenly at night, on the edge of sleep,
I stiffen, imagining things beyond the realm of possibility;
Then I go on to know them in my dreams.

Dream softly. Set your imagination free. Fact can be stranger than fiction. Dance like a snake. The moon knows.

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