Friday, October 13, 2006

I'll be watching you 1.1

This is about being an investigative reporter.

First, we all know the pop song with the title I chose for this post; it's a nice song. My main motivation in using it is that there's a killer on the loose here in the Bay Area. A middle-aged man trying to present himself as a respectable person, an author. He is appearing at a bookstore this weekend, to much fanfare.

He has written a book that would have you believe he had a difficult past, where he had to make difficult decisions. But he claims to be an honest man now. He's timed his visit to overlap with a nostalgic celebration of a famous Sixties radical group, the one he joined. There are movies, plays, books galore about this group and its exceptionally famous leaders, most of whom I happened to know personally.

All nice. Problem is this guy probably is the man who killed my friend's mother, who worked for the group. He did so, apparently, at the behest of his group's leader. He bashed this woman over the head with something, probably his gun, so hard that it killed her. Then he dumped her body in the Bay.

Six long weeks later, while her daughter endured an agony few can imagine, her partially eaten (by sea creatures), decomposed body washed up a long way from where he dumped her.

My friend has spent the past 30+ years wondering why her mother was killed. She has heard so many rumors. But some of the people who know the truth have told her that her mother she was indeed killed by this group and almost certainly by this very man.

So when he appears in the bookstore for his moment of fame, we will be there. We'll be watching you. You will be asked the question. Cameras will record your answer, your expression. Maybe you, and the person who ordered you to do it, think you have both gotten away with murder. And maybe you have, so far.

But we'll be there.

And we'll be watching you.


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