Monday, June 11, 2007

The Best Life in the World

Well, assuming she doth not protest too much, my youngest child claims to be the person with the best life in the entire world, which is a rather nice message to find among her art projects.

Today, she went off to Circus Camp, while the boys went to Basketball Camp.

Outside, tonight, the birds are chirping; I suspect at least one pair has a nest up high in the apple tree, and that the babies have hatched, because I heard their little cries as their parents swirled around the yard high above them.

One concern was a familiar white cat, who also was tracking the bird sounds from her perch on our falling-down-fence. She and I both craned our necks, following the flight of the parent birds.

"This good feel is for you."

All right. Now, I probably should not make any comment here whatsoever. This image is here courtesy of a sweet site, . Now, we all know that Japanese speakers have a terrible time with "r" and "l." This site is a celebration of that linguistic dilemma.

But this Japanese girl's translation issue is another matter altogether.


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