Friday, June 15, 2007

Eye of the Beholder.1

So many odd stories cross our screens in the news business. Today's catch,
Pentagon once mulled gay bomb to promote love not war was landed by my colleague Kelsey. You really must read it, especially if you are an American taxpayer, just to see how your tax dollars get spent by our dangerously comical War Department(*).

Such is the fate of an editor these days, to sort through thousands of articles, looking for those that can best inform and entertain you, our target audience member.

Meanwhile, I cut away after my last meeting of this Friday to watch my youngest perform in her Circus Camp show. She did some tricks on the trapese, and then did cartwheels around the gymnasium during the final, somewhat chaotic closing number.

Very nice.

I often wonder how others see the world around them, which objects stimulate their imagination, what obsessions (such as mine with color and glass and distortion) inform their nightly days and daily nights.

In my peripatetic manner, I bounce around like a billiard ball, from the intensely serious to the inane, with nary a transitional moment. It's the Information Age, silly, and those of us who are news junkies need some pretty powerful sedatives before we might avert our eyes from the latest headlines flowing through the giant pipe that is the Internet.

Speaking of sedatives, there's a wonderful book about heroin, entitled, How to Stop Time: Heroin from A to Z , by Ann Marlowe. Among my extensive library on addictions, I don't actually see anything about news junkies, but there are several favorites about alcohol, the drug of choice for the masses, including: Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp; and Under the Volcano, a novel by Malcolm Lowry.

(*) Note: I refuse to call it the "Defense" Department as long as it wages war on other peoples.

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