Friday, July 20, 2007

Day Before The Day

On a night like this, the photos tell the story.

I'm too overwhelmed emotionally to write anything worthwhile.

Tomorrow, my oldest daughter is to be married.

Tonight, in the park where she played as a child, we practiced.

There was a lot of laughter, as (how shall I say it?) we are not exacty ready for prime time yet.

There is the flower girl who ran away into the woods; the "acorns" that fall and could well cause a guest to scream; there was the tiny dog that got loose, leading all the kids in the ceremony to break ranks and run amok.

There are the language challenges facing the non-native English speakers, although their errors, if any, will only add to the charm tomorrow.

The kids are still scripting this wedding. Don't even ask me how we are doing designing the centerpieces!


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