Saturday, January 05, 2008

"Yes we can"

Watching the four leading Democrats debate tonight in New Hampshire, my impression is that John Edwards is forcibly making his strongest possible case, perhaps out of a sense of desperation that if he cannot win the next primary, his campaign will fail.

If I could shut out the past 30 years of American political reality, he would be the perfect candidate for the 1970's -- rhetorically anti-corporate. But somehow, the fact that he bases his ideology on his personal history as an attorney who made a fortune suing corporations undercuts his left-wing credentials. I've always felt such attorneys should waive their fees when they represent "classes" of people who have most definitely been screwed, not take 30% or whatever.

The court jester in the debate, Bill Richardson, is just plain funny, and provided much-needed comic relief.

Hillary Clinton is, as always, articulate, informed, yet somehow smug. Her best line was, in answer to a question about her lack of "likability," was that it "hurt my feelings."

Barack Obama still seems to be reaching in his answers to prove that he actually has enough experience to be President. Yet, that is not his strongest suit. Almost by accident, he threw out the only line tonight that I believe may resonate beyond the next primary:

"Yes we can."

This candidate's belief in the American people's ability to overcome the disastrous position our government has imposed on us in the world is his most impressive asset. Again, I repeat my prediction that Obama will be our next President.


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