Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wooden Moon

The eyes of human beings are sometimes said to be a "window to the soul."

I've heard Secret Service Agents brag that they can identify an assassin by looking into his eyes. (If so, why do they always wear sunglasses? Don't those impede one's ability to look straight into another's eyes? I think so.)

Cops often claim they can tell whether a suspect is lying by how his or her eyes move under questioning.

Reporters often claim the same thing. I have done it. It's tempting to think, after many hundreds of interviews, that you can identify the occasional prevaricator among the many honest sources.

But, I'm not so sure. There are those so convincing with their lies that even jaded cops, reporters, and investigators fall for their act.

Then, there is the role of eyes in attraction. We know, from biological studies, that a person's pupils tend to expand when they look into the eyes of another they find attractive.

Many a hopeful paramour, once aware of this fact, tries to gauge the pupil expansion factor in a new potential lover. Trouble is, you need a special tool to measure this phenomenon, so you're probably better falling back on your other instincts, should you find yourself in this kind of situation.

Eyes. With our eyes we watch one another. We read. We watch movies, TV, and electronic text on computer monitors.

Our eyes also express our inner feelings. We tear up, get angry, sad, happy and curious, depressed, evasive, newly engaged and it all comes out in our eyes.

Tonight, the photo at the top of my post is an illusion. A "moon" painted on wood sitting on the slats of my back porch. I think of it as the Blue Moon of Kentucky, but then again, I am a country music fan.

To you, it may remind you of another way of seeing, a la the great John Berger.


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