Saturday, April 11, 2009

Circles of Love

"What are you doing now?" This is more or less the very simple question that made Facebook a success and is now creating an even bigger success at Twitter.

I have written extensively about these companies at my media blog.

But this post is not about what I am doing, except that what I am doing is watching the classic film, "The Sound of Music."

This is, of course, a story with lessons for everyone, even if the coolest among us may deny it.

A long time ago, I co-authored a book called "Circle of Posion." Someone commenting on the ever so cool HuffPost mentioned the idea behind that book, which I discovered while watching this movie.

All of it broke my unbreakable heart.

As per my previous post, I may no longer believe in "love," but I do still believe in true love, if you catch my drift.

Hopefully, somebody will.

Oh yes. The reason behind this post is that after we published "Circle of Poison," one of the surviving Von Trapp children contacted me from his home in Vermont. He, too, was worried about our global environment, way back before it was cool to do so.

What am I doing tonight?

Remembering things.


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