Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Texas Morning + Arizona Afternoon = California Night

I had to blink twice from my hotel window this morning as I realized just how close to Minute Maid Park, the home of the Houston Astros, I was.

Not for long. It was another day on the road. By mid-afternoon, we were landing at Phoenix.

All parts of this continent interest me, but the air smells sweeter here at home, in the Bay Area. I'm too tired to write anything of value tonight, I'm spent, but I am happy to report that our Giants are starting to look like a winning baseball team this year, for the first time in years.



セレブラブ said...


夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ megumi-0830@docomo.ne.jp 連絡してね♪