Sunday, May 10, 2009

Drive Down Memory Lane

Do you like road trips? Of course you do. Any American, or anyone in America, gets excited by the prospect of driving down an open highway, even as we grow more conscious of the need to reduce our collective carbon footprint.

In that spirit, today's vehicle, courtesy of Zip, was a Honda Fit.

I love driving along El Camino Real south from San Francisco. Not only does it present a time capsule from days long gone, it also reflects the kind of ethnic diversity that makes me proud to be an American.

After lunch at the newly reopened Santa Ramen, I got a chance to play with one of my favorite two-year-old friends.

She and I share very few words. She mainly speaks Japanese. But this tiny little person is an expert communicator. We understand each other; words are for the most part unnecessary. Her parents are just one of the couples I know in the Bay Area struggling to persist during an awful era of discrimination against immigrants by the Department of Homeland Security.

(Note to President Obama: Change this name. We don't need Orwellian institutions in our country.)

Not to throw a wet paper towel on this possibly meaningful conversation, but this is what a wet paper towel looks like at my house.

Every decent writer knows when to throw in the towel. That is the moment that you realize you have absolutely nothing useful left to say. For me, that would


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