Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Party is Over

The Grand Old Party that my father supported, the Republican Party, is dead.

There simply is nobody with any ethical core left. The party has been hijacked by right-wing, radical Christian, racists.

There is no point in covering or analyzing the activities of foolish, fearful little people like "truthers," "birthers," "tea-baggers," or the like. These are fragmented, marginal sickos.

Beyond them, and their freakish heroes, like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, is nothing of substance, nothing to discuss.

They are modern "know-nothings." They occupy the lowest cut in any IQ curve -- they live in a giant echo-chamber for fools. They make noise, they pretend to be activists, but they know nothing about grass-roots organizing.

The only accurate historical precedent for them would be the Nazis. Until they find their Adolph Hitler, they will thrash around as they currently are doing, without impact or meaning of any kind.

Should they find their Hitler, the rest of us will have to act.

And we will, collectively, as a society. Those of us who are unafraid to debate issues, disagree with one another, and respect each others' perspectives about what really matters, now hold the upper hand and we will continue to reshape this society for the benefit of all of our children and grandchildren, regardless of any trash-talk from the marginalized right.

Nothing can or will stop the wave of dramatic reforms now under way. In times like these, a frightened fringe often develops. These pathetic souls, too, will soon grow despondent as, one by one, they see their vision of this country -- a place for white evangelicals lord it over the rest of us -- dissipating rightly into the dustbin of history.


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